The proprietor of this site ( is Jackson Galaxy.
Jackson, Dr. Jean, or Little Big Cat, Inc. may receive compensation from other websites or products we mention on this blog. You should probably assume we do. Sometimes, products we promote were given to one of us as free samples.
For the purposes of the Liability Disclaimer, “information” includes (without limitation) any statement of fact or opinion, advice, data, documents or computer readable material in any form whatsoever.
Liability Disclaimer
In preparing this site, we have endeavored to offer current, correct and clearly expressed information. However, since inadvertent errors can occur, new scientific research is constantly being undertaken, opinions about medical, veterinary and behavioral therapies are controversial, and relevant laws and regulations often change, the information may not be perfectly current or accurate.
Further, the information contained on this site is intended to provide general guidance on matters of interest. Nothing on this site constitutes professional, medical, or veterinary advice, nor does any information on this site constitute a comprehensive or complete statement of the issues discussed.
No action should be taken or omitted to be taken in reliance upon information on this site. Users should obtain specific professional advice concerning specific matters, and Little Big Cat is not responsible for any loss or injury resulting from reliance on any information contained on this site or in respect of any information on any other sites to which this site may be linked. None of the above shall be taken to exclude liability for fraud or for negligence causing death or personal injury.