A recent article by Isabelle Toussaint (via Agence France-Presse) should come as no surprise to Americans, who are way ahead in junk pet food. She says, “The junk food and poor eating habits affecting humans is also killing their four-legged pals, say veterinary surgeons and experts.
“Allergies and obesity are reducing the life expectancy of Lassies and Mittens nourished worldwide on industrial foodstuffs, said Gerard Lippert, a Belgian acupuncturist for animals who has just completed a study on the diets of 600 dead dogs.
“Pets, like humans, are victims of junk food,” he told AFP.
“Of the 600 furry corpses he examined ‘those fed on processed foods died three years earlier than those fed on food made in the home.'”
I couldn’t have said it better myself.
To learn more about pet diets and health, visit the Little Big Cat Library.