Aggression in Cats

Brothers having a slight disagreement Aggression in cats is not uncommon, but it's unusual for it to be serious enough for people to seek professional help. Just a decade ago, however, a study from Cornell University noted an upward trend in people-directed aggression. Those researchers thought it may be attributable to an increasing tendency to keep cats inside the home (and thus interacting more with people). Other possible explanations: cats are actually getting more aggressive (a bad thing), or people are becoming more aware that feline behavior problems are amenable to treatment (a ...

2017-02-18T13:04:14-07:00March 27th, 2012|

Double the Fun, Double the Territory!

By Jackson Galaxy Michael, Patty, their toddler Pandora, and most of all, their cat Tess, had a big problem*. As Pandora was becoming more and more mobile, Tess was getting increasingly irritated. The problem culminated a few days before they called me, when Tess took a swipe at Pandora and broke the skin near her eye. Michael was in a true panic, since Tess had already been surrendered to the local shelter for her behavior, where she promptly turned absolutely wild. When Michael learned that Tess was to be euthanized, ...

2014-01-13T20:12:10-07:00June 27th, 2011|

Play Therapy

by Jackson Galaxy As you pass innocently by a doorway, your cat pounces fiercely on your ankle, gnawing and clawing until blood is drawn, and then bolting away under the bed...Two littermates, now six years old, suddenly start fighting and can’t be in the same room together anymore...Perhaps your cat is vocalizing so loudly at 4:00 A.M. that you seriously wish that you had become a tropical fish enthusiast somewhere along the line. Strange as it may seem, these unpleasant activities may have a common cause—and a common solution: regular, ...

2017-07-02T19:54:29-07:00January 7th, 2011|

Play Aggression

By Jackson Galaxy Art has a great relationship with his feline companion, Mouse. That is, except around dinnertime every day. Even though Art watches around the corners to see where Mouse might be lurking, he's still almost always surprised as Mouse dashes out and ambushes Art's ankles—sometimes viciously, according to Art. Art takes Mouse's actions to mean that he is becoming suddenly territorial, seeing Art as a competitor for the turf they have shared peacefully for so many years. What Art is actually seeing is a common problem called "play ...

2015-07-12T09:17:30-07:00November 18th, 2010|

Redirected Aggression: A Case Study

By Jackson Galaxy From The Galaxy Files – "Trouble In Paradise" When I received the phone call for assistance, the voice on the other end was not just frustrated, as I am accustomed to hearing. She was utterly bewildered, and on the verge of tears. Diane had shared her country home with littermates Cherokee (female) and Mallo (male) for their entire seven years. They were beautiful Himalayan mixes, and in the pictures she E-mailed all one could pick out was four eyes, and an entanglement of fur on the couch, ...

2016-08-27T02:55:24-07:00November 18th, 2010|

EFT in Practice: EFT Helps Aggressive Stray find Love and a New Home

by Maureen Cram, Stuffbusters Article reprinted with permission from (now Maureen Cram from South Africa completely shifts the life of a stray cat by using surrogate EFT. Of interest here is how she "tunes in" to the cat. Many people (perhaps everyone) can do this. We can also tune in to each other and this ability brings with it superb healing potential. By Maureen Cram Hi Gary, I wanted to tell you about my use of EFT with animals here in South Africa.  My husband and I have ...

2015-11-16T09:05:30-07:00November 18th, 2010|
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