Itch Relief Update

Dr. Patty Khuly's blog this morning was terrific! She has personally been dealing with a very itchy skin eruption, probably what most of us would call hives or "heat rash." I am totally sympathetic...last summer I developed a series of severe itchy rashes, I think from some bug or other that apparently lives in my lawn. O Misery, thy name is Itch! Her pruritis (med-speak for itch) not only drove her crazy, but also drove her to look into the problem more deeply. After all, skin problems are one of ...

2018-02-11T16:50:19-07:00July 7th, 2011|

Allergic to Cats?

Millions of people are allergic to cats. Symptoms range from eye irritation to potentially life-threatening asthma attacks. One can develop an allergy at any age. Allergies most commonly develop to proteins. In cats, a protein called Fel d 1 is the primary culprit. The amount of Fel d 1 present does not differ between breeds, but can vary among individual cats. However, there are many safe, effective ways to deal with cat allergies, so you don't have to give up your cat OR your friends!

2017-12-18T22:33:10-07:00November 17th, 2010|
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