Dr. Jean Takes on More Absurd “Experts”!

Pet food. The truth about it is often hard to come by, especially because all the money and power are concentrated on making you, the consumer, believe that pet food companies know exactly how to make perfect food and are all about your pet's health and well-being. Of course, we know that corporations are, by law, responsible first and only to their stockholders, and profit is their only goal. Pet food is just a means to this end. However, there are a few folks out there trying to educate people ...

2017-03-23T15:03:35-07:00December 2nd, 2011|

Homemade Diets for Cats and Dogs

REVISED 6/1/23 Balanced homemade diets are the best for our cats and dogs. By making your pet’s food at home, you control the quality of the ingredients, and commercial food additives such as colorings and preservatives can be avoided. Once you get the hang of it, homemade food is both time and cost-efficient. It’s definitely worth the effort! Before you put your companion animal on a home-prepared diet, please discuss your decision with your veterinarian, or a holistic veterinarian  who understands nutrition and is comfortable with home-made diets. For a ...

2023-06-06T20:28:59-07:00November 18th, 2010|

Feline Diabetes Basics

By Jean Hofve, DVM Has your cat been diagnosed with diabetes? Are you looking for the most accurate and up-to-date information on this condition in cats? Are you interested in alternative treatments? Do you want to know how to prevent the disease from developing? The following information is excerpted from my ebook,  Feline Diabetes: Your Comprehensive Guide from a Holistic Veterinarian. What is diabetes? Diabetes mellitus is a chronic health condition, in which the pancreas does not secrete enough insulin, and/or the body becomes resistant to insulin, causing blood glucose to ...

2014-09-20T11:41:13-07:00November 18th, 2010|

Does Dry Food Clean the Teeth?

By Jean Hofve, DVM Let's get this one straight once and for all: dry food does not clean your cat's teeth! In fact, dry food really does not benefit the cat at all. It is merely a convenience for the guardian. If you haven't already read Why Cats Need Canned Food and 10 Reasons Why Dry Food is Bad for Dogs and Cats, start there in your quest for accurate, up-to-date information on feeding cats. Most cats don't consistently chew dry food; they swallow it whole. Obviously, without contacting the teeth, ...

2015-07-17T12:54:36-07:00November 17th, 2010|
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