Declawing – Annotated Reference List

1.     Ansah OB, Vainio O, Hellsten C, et al. Postoperative pain control in cats: clinical trials with medetomidine and butorphanol. Vet Surg 2002;31:99-103. Medetomidine and butorphanol provided equivalent pain relief up to 2 hours. 2.     Atwood-Harvey D. Death or declaw: dealing with moral ambiguity in a veterinary hospital. Soc Anim. 2005;13(4):315-42. Discussed strategies used by clinic staff to cope with declawing, whatever their feelings about it. 3.     Bamberger M, Houpt KA. Signalment factors, comorbidity, and trends in behavior diagnoses in cats: 736 cases (1991-2001). J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2006 ...

2016-12-23T14:57:49-07:00August 2nd, 2011|

Studies Pertaining to Declawing (Annotated)

Adapted from Patronek, Studies Pertaining to Onychectomy, 2001 Additional studies not cited in the original noted in color; additions and comments by Jean Hofve, DVM Study No. Cats Time Relevant Outcomes Description of Study, Sample and Major Findings Comments Benson et al., 1991 18 Post-operative plasma catecholamine levels Randomized experiment. 24 cats were randomized to either no surgery, or onychectomy with intravenous morphine, xylazine, or salicylate. Onychectomy was associated with increased postoperative plasma catecholamines that were decreased by morphine and xylazine but not saline. The conclusion was that pain is ...

2012-07-02T15:58:11-07:00August 2nd, 2011|
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