Cats, Sickness, Stress, and the Environment

A fascinating study out of The Ohio State University was published in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association (J Am Vet Med Assoc 2011;238:67–73). Here’s part of OSU’s press release about it: EVEN HEALTHY CATS ACT SICK WHEN THEIR ROUTINE IS DISRUPTED COLUMBUS, Ohio – A cat regularly vomiting hairballs or refusing to eat probably isn’t being finicky or otherwise “cat-like,” despite what conventional wisdom might say. There is a good chance that the cat is acting sick because of the stress caused by changes in its environment, ...

2017-02-21T13:51:32-07:00January 13th, 2011|

Slippery Elm

Updated 1/2/24 Slippery elm bark is an amazing herb, and unlike many plants, it is extremely safe for cats! Caution: As you may know, it is potentially dangerous to give herbs to pets, especially cats. Many people commonly extrapolate a dose of herbs by using the pet’s weight compared to the “standard” 150-pound human. A large dog, however, has a comparatively slow metabolism, while a small dog’s rapid heart rate and high energy level may make it difficult to get the desired effect. Cats have very different metabolism and enzymes, and ...

2024-01-02T18:38:08-07:00November 18th, 2010|
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