Finding a Lost Pet

By Jean Hofve, DVM Finding Lost Pets With the warm weather of summer, windows and doors are often open, and pets can get out and lost more easily. Several studies have recently been published about lost dogs and cats. The numbers are disturbing. Less than 2% of cats entering shelters were reunited with their owners, and only 53% of lost cats were ever found. For dogs, 34% were recovered from a shelter, and another 18% were identified and returned home from information on the tags they were wearing; overall, 71% ...

2015-11-11T21:32:06-07:00November 18th, 2010|

Preventing Vaccine Adverse Effects – 1 page summary

By Jean Hofve, DVM 1 hour before vaccination: One dose of high-EPA fish oil* One dose of antioxidants; curcumin and quercetin in particular have been found to block the ability of vaccine adjuvants to trigger a long-term immune reaction. Immediately before vaccination (as close as possible): Take a calcium supplement by mouth; it needs to contact the mucous membranes of the mouth so hold it under your tongue or use a chewable form such as Tums. For pets, give calcium (just a small piece of a tablet is fine) by ...

2013-01-15T16:49:29-07:00November 18th, 2010|
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