by Dr. Jean Hofve & Jackson Galaxy
Library of Congress ISSN #1550-0764
Volume 7, No. 4  —  June 2009

In this issue:

1. News Bites
– EPA investigating toxicity of topical flea products
– Irradiated cat food sickens Australian cats
– The last gasp of the 2007 pet food recalls
– “New” drug for hyperthyroidism

2. Guest Editorial: Why Fix What Isn’t Broken?

3. The Truth About Heartworm in Cats

4. How to Have a Pest-Free Summer

1. News Bites

The US Environmental Protection Agency is investigating reports of toxicity from topical flea products after a recent increase in reported incidents. More than 44,000 potential toxic incidents associated with spot-on products were reported to the agency in 2008. (See related article on flea & tick prevention below)

Irradiated cat food causes neurological disorders. An outbreak of serious neurologidry cat foodcal problems in cats led to Australia banning the sterilization of cat food by irradiation, which was previously required. Studies suggested food irradiation as the source of the illnesses afflicting cats, but exactly how irradiation is causing food to be toxic to cats is unknown. Ninety cats in Australia were afflicted with neurological disorders after they ate Orijen, an imported dry cat food. Several cats had to be euthanized. Only Australia, which requires irradiation of pet food, has reported issues with Orijen cat food; all other countries who imported non-irradiated Orijen cat food reported no problems.

The last act in the 2007 pet-food recall scandal may finally be over. ChemNutra  and its owners, Stephen and Sally Miller, were charged with selling contaminated ingredients to pet food manufacturers after receiving 13 shipments of wheat gluten from China between Nov. 6, 2006 and Feb. Courtroom21, 2007.

The U.S. government claimed that the company and the Millers knew that its Chinese broker had deliberately used inaccurate custom codes to prevent inspection in China. Moreover, the company and the Millers sold the ingredient to pet food makers without acknowledging the fraudulent paperwork.

In addition, the company and Millers distributed misbranded wheat gluten that overstated its protein content (the melamine was added so that the gluten would appear to have a higher protein content when tested) and did not disclose the melamine. Thousands of cats and dogs died and tens of thousands became sick from the contaminated food, and many are living with chronic renal failure as a result of the poisoning.

FDA approves “new” drug for feline hyperthyroidism. Felimazole (methimazole) is the first drug approved for the treatment of hyperthyroidism in cats. It was specifically designed for and tested on cats. However, the human generic drug methimazole has been used for decades in the U.S. for the same purpose, so what will change–besides the price–remains to be seen.

2. Guest Editorial: Why Fix What Isn’t Broken?
We are happy to welcome our guest author, Russell Louie, and get his thoughts on preventive holistic medicine.

Do you wait for symptoms to blow up or show up before taking action? A customer was using the maintenance formula of our BioPreparation product for their 19 year old cat with Chronic Renal Failure (CRF). I suggested they switch to the therapeutic formula. They asked, why switch if their cat was still playing with toys, jumping up on the bed, and lab tests showed no need for subcutaneous fluids yet? In essence, why fix what is not broken?

For Chronic Renal Failure (CRF), like most degenerative diseases (e.g., osteoarthritis, cancer, diabetes, stones, crystals, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, allergies), symptoms do not appear until at least 50% degeneration has occurred. That means the organ or body part  has already deteriorated 50% before you notice symptoms. In cats, by the time lab tests confirm CRF, the kidneys are already 75% gone. To holistically and nutritionally help a cat at that point is almost too late….Read more….

Audios on Pet Nutrition from Dr. Jean and author Jan Rasmusen–on sale now! Choose mp3 or CD format!

If you’re a CatsWalk reader, we know you want to keep your cat as healthy as possible, using holistic principles to prevent or cure disease. To help you in your goal, our own Dr. Jean Hofve, who is one of the top pet food experts in the country, teamed up with Scared Poopless author Jan Rasmusen to give you the straight talk about dog and cat nutrition:

  • Audio #1: Truth, Lies & Pet Food (about selecting the safest commercial foods)
  • Audio #2: Diet, Disease and Longevity (how to feed dogs and cats with health problems)
  • Audio #3: From Mere Survival to Glowing Health (how to feed for optimum health)

These recordings are on sale right now for just $12 for each hour-long recording, or $28.70 for all three. This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance to learn pet nutrition from real experts from the comfort of your home or car. Note: We will send you a link to the recordings instantly. For CDs rather than links, add $3.70 more and we’ll mail them.

Click here to learn more about our pet nutrition recordings and how to order.

3. The Truth About Heartworm in Cats

In a seemingly diabolical plot, veterinarians and pharmaceutical companies have teamed up in a scare-mongering marketing campaign to frighten guardians into giving year-round heartworm preventatives to their cats. They say they’re doing this to improve protection for individual pets, but the facts say they have other motives.

With few exceptions, heartworms (Dirofilaria immitis) are a completely seasonal problem, so there is no reason to give heartworm medicine to ANY pet year-round–except to make money for those who make and sell it….Read more….

4. How to Give Your Cat a Safe and Pest-Free Summer

Are you…
•    Using oral or topical flea & tick preparations or collars?
•    Dosing your pet with heartworm medication?
•    Using ant, roach or other pesticides inside or outside your home?
•    Letting your cat roam on chemically treated lawns?
•    Using weed-killers or insecticides on your indoor or outdoor plants?
lawn tx warning
All of these chemicals have potentially toxic side effects. Cats are extremely sensitive–adverse reactions can be deadly.

Even more concerning is the recent focus on topical (spot-on) flea and tick products.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is considering increased restrictions on both prescription and over-the-counter spot-on pesticides for flea and tick control. The EPA received more than 44,000 reports of potential toxic incidents associated with flea and tick products in 2008 alone; the majority involved spot-on products. Reported toxicities ranged from skin irritation to seizures and death….Read more….